Emily Craft - Practitioner Spotlight 3.2

Our interview continues with Emily Craft, RD - Learn a little bit more about who might benefit from Nutrition Counseling, why it would be helpful, and some quick self-care tips from an expert!
What are some challenges that your clients face?
"At Insight, the clients I work with typically have challenges that involve disordered eating patterns in some way. This does not mean that everyone I see has a diagnosed eating disorder. In fact, most often people are just struggling to understand how to improve their relationship with food and unpack all of the craziness that our diet culture feeds us in the media."
Why do you think it is important for people to participate in nutritional counseling?
"We all eat! Haha - just kidding, kind of. As I mentioned before, we all have internal wisdom about what our bodies need, and some people are very intuitive eaters who may never need nutrition counseling. That being said, at some point most people go through a difficult period or life transition that requires them to reevaluate how they are feeding themselves and that’s where I come in!"
What are some self-care strategies that you use as it relates to food and nutrition?
I like the idea of checking in with my body and asking it what it needs. So often we are disconnected from our hunger and fullness cues, so learning how my body feels when it’s hungry is helpful. I also pay attention to how my body is feeling as it relates to other aspects of health - do I need movement? A massage?
I also make sure not to deprive myself of what my body wants. I have a big sweet tooth so keeping chocolate around is a must!
When was the last time you asked your body what it needs? Or what hungry or full feels like to you?
Why not start today, so you can change your relationship with food - book your appointment with Emily today!
Call 443-470-9297 ext. 100 (new client intake line) or email emily@insightmaryland.com or BOOK IT